Damas y Caballeros:
I think I just found out what’s keeping me with this ridiculous obsession of love. Memories…
It’s nice to keep the first letter where it’s written those three words that turned a cloudy day into the most glorious day. And it’s cool to have some stuff like that.
But it’s not cool when you want to move on. Those things will be like a dead weigh that you’re carrying in the long pursuit of yours Dreams. But… what happens when you try to dispose your life and you decide to throw away all that kind of stuff? Please don’t say you don’t know. I’ll refresh your memory: every time you see/touch something flashbacks start appearing and a tear slowly trys to come out your eyes, then you pick something else up and you are remembering every single detail of that very moment, and there start coming up all dates, and specials days (14/02; 30/7) that means something, at least for you… Next thing you do is gradually put all that stuff back to the safe box you kept, and will keep. Then you’re going to look at your wallet, and will take out that tiny piece of paper that says “I love you” with the very own handwriting of that extremely special somebody that you keep there because you think somehow she’s walking with you at every place you go…
Wake up; it’s time to break all those chains that keep you locked down…
Pasar una tarde
Y escribir sobre
El bello paisaje
Es lo que quiero
Al estar en un parque.
Sobre las plantas,
Sobre las hojas,
Sobre las flores
Que guardo en mi memoria